If a chicken is injured crossing the road to change a tire, does insurance cover it?

Insurance policies typically provide coverage for injuries “arising out of” the “use” of a covered vehicle. This obviously means driving a car, but what if you are not driving?  What if someone hits you while you are changing your tire, or while out of your car exchanging information with another driver? This varies a lot […]

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Farmers Insurance Burns Homeowner

Fire destroyed Bruce’s home. Bruce’s insurance company, Farmers, was unresponsive for seven months, then threatened to deny coverage and made a one-time take-it-or-leave-it offer for only one-fourth of what the claim was worth. Bruce sued his insurance company for bad faith. Bruce’s attorney sought the insurance company’s file. The insurance company sought a protective order. […]

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Court Rules Insurace Policy Covers Diminished Value to Vehicle

Our law firm took no part in this decision. After the plaintiff’s vehicle sustained damage in a collision his insurance carrier paid the full cost of repairs, less a deductible. The plaintiff claimed that the policy covered loss for the diminished value of his vehicle, but his insurance company disagreed. The plaintiff filed a class […]

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